November 12, 2024 | Homeowners

Is it a Bad Idea to Sell My Toronto Home in Today’s Market?

At the risk of shock value, there is no “bad” time to sell your home as long as you have the right advice from an experienced professional. Specifically, we mean that there is always a rationale for why someone would sell their Toronto house or condo in today’s market. The typical reasons for selling would involve moving into more space, a job transfer, an investment divesting, a spousal split, and so on.

All this to say, there should never be a decision made in a vacuum, the next step is integral. What is your plan? Is it to invest in the stock market? To fund another real estate purchase? Let’s dive into this together.

Why Do You Want To Sell?

This is the number one question that you must flesh out. Your why in this manner is essential to get clear on. If it’s not necessary to sell, then that’s an excellent point to make. If your answer leads you to a financial necessity to sell, then that will dictate timing, pricing strategy, and the imperative of open and clear communication with a top-notch real estate agent.

Is it to gain more space for your family? Then, that’s a lifestyle reason that will guide you into the next move that best serves you and your family’s future. Be honest with yourself, know your numbers, and share with a trusted real estate advisor who can detail your options and a strategy to move forward.

Need for advice on how to get a great result on your home sale? Explore these related blogs next!

What Is Happening In Today’s Housing Market?

The reality of any given day, week, or month in Toronto’s freehold housing and condo market is that it is constantly changing and evolving based on myriad factors like interest rates, sales in the condo building, location or home, competition on the market, local developments, how many buyers are looking, and who was just absorbed into the market with a recent purchase. Whether the resale condo or house market is strong or weak is neither here nor there (and it’s worth noting that condos and houses are distinctly different real estate markets); it’s about what you do next – which we will discuss in more detail below.

Get The Right Advice From The Right Realtor

We cannot overstate the necessity of the right advice, from market stats and strategic pricing to an honest and transparent real estate agent who will tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you may want to hear. The reason is that you need to know your options from someone who has a great deal of experience, no matter the marketplace. An error here or there can be the difference between getting an offer and getting little interest and ultimately not selling or at a well-below-market price.

A coach-approach discussion with a trusted Realtor will achieve a far more successful objective than many realize. We see this all the time. In fact, we often seek solutions for clients to keep their condos for the long term and reach their goals with their next purchase; after all, wealth is built over time and by, in many cases, buying and holding real estate.

You Need A Plan

Once you are clear on why you want to sell, it is important to create a plan to achieve a successful sale for the maximum price and least amount of hassle in the shortest amount of time. Sounds complicated, right? It doesn’t have to be.

Hiring a highly communicative real estate agent will ensure you get the right ducks in a row, set out a strategy with a work-back schedule in order to execute as effectively as possible and ensure full disclosure and transparency are in place each step of the way.

Putting together a plan for your home sale? You’ll want to check out these blogs next – they’re packed with helpful advice.

Execute Your Sale With Confidence

Following the above will give you the confidence to sell your house or condo, no matter the marketplace. If it’s a down market, there is a strategy for that and a fantastic opportunity to move up the property ladder at a discounted acquisition price (dollars saved with the percentage of value drop), and a strong market may mean that you can choose the buyer you most want out of a selection of offers.

The key to confidence is ultimately knowing what you want and plotting effective steps to achieve that goal. None of these targets can be hit with any consistency if the real estate agent doesn’t have the skills to execute.

Looking to sell your Toronto home? I can help. Reach me by email at or call 416-925-9191.

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